So today I watched Super Size Me and Fat Head.( both are free to watch on Hulu) I will first admit to you that I beckoned my husband to bring me home a Mc Double & a small fry. I also had a bowl of ice cream with chocolate syrup on it.
I watched Super Size Me first. I found alot of stuff I either didn't agree with or that didn't make sense. I think this guy tried overly hard to make his point. Not to mention I felt really insulted by his assumptions. For one we are considered quite poor and even my 5 year old knows that McDonalds is not as healthy as the food we make at home. I always get agitated when "poor" is associated with ignorance. There are more than enough wealthy morons.
Fat head was much better and more informative. I really enjoyed the take on it. He addressed the parts of the SSM that I felt was offensive. It was more of a common sense documentary rather than just a realty type show that way hyped for ratings.
I am a large proponent of personal responsibility. This is the take FH took on the issue. I like to be aware of the information, proper information and be allowed to make a decision.
I actually learned alot today and I reccomend that you watch Fat Head. And Super Size Me too if you want the "opposing side". My conclusion after watching both, is still the same as it was before I watched either. I do not blame the fast food industry for obesity. And I do not think we are getting the proper information from our government on nutrition guidelines.
What are your thoughts?